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Your Nonprofit Can Get Green by Going Green this Earth Month

Written by: FUNDrive Team, April 01, 2021

Your Nonprofit Can Get Green by Going Green this Earth Month

Did you know that 26 billion pounds of clothing and textiles pile up in landfills each year? 95% of which could have been re-worn or repurposed? Or that it takes 1,800 gallons of water to make just one new pair of jeans?

This Earth Month, there are lots of things you can do to reduce your environmental footprint, like buy only thrifted items for the month or remember your reusable bags. But because the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters in the world, hosting a FUNDrive® can make a big impact on our planet.

When you host a FUNDrive®, you not only help keep 700 million pounds of usable items out of landfills every year, but you raise money for your nonprofit. And because you don't have sell anything door to door, like wrapping paper or chocolate bars, your FUNDrive® earns your nonprofit money without adding waste to landfills in the future. The wins just keep coming!

Start by asking friends and family if they can help out by donating any clothing or household items they no longer use. We will buy those items, pay your nonprofit, and give others the chance to love your gently used stuff.

Ready to reduce, reuse, and raise money? Get started on your FUNDrive now.