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Notre Dame Academy Raises $1,300

Written by: FUNDrive Team, June 08, 2022

Notre Dame Academy Raises $1,300

When Notre Dame Academy, a Pre-K through 8th grade Catholic school in South Buffalo, held their first FUNDrive®, they weren’t really sure what to expect. FUNDrive® organizer, Paula, thought that they could at least get two bags of clothing out of each of their 500 students’ closets. But that modest goal turned into over 6,000 pounds of donations and almost $1,300 earned funds. And the cash didn’t stop there! Thanks to the referral bonus program, Notre Dame Academy was able to earn an additional $150 just for sharing their favorite eco-friendly fundraiser.

When Notre Dame Academy decided to host their first FUNDrive®, Paula knew she needed to find clever solutions for storage and transportation in order to maximize their earnings from the event. Her first hurdle was where to store incoming donations. With the goal of making donating to the FUNDrive® as easy as possible, Paula looked for locations convenient to the school, and found the ideal spot in a church barn across the street. The church allowed them to open the barn during school drop-off and pick-up, parents and caregivers were able to drop off their kids at school, support their community, and declutter their homes, all in one stop! The barn also served as a great spot to store the donations until the FUNDrive® was over.

After collecting donations for 4 weeks, Notre Dame Academy had over 6,000 pounds of clothing and household items that they needed to transport to Savers®. Paula knew she could rent a truck, but she didn’t want that to dip into what Notre Dame Academy raised, so she reached out to her strong school community, and did they ever respond! Thirty volunteer parents and caregivers lined up to fill minivans, trucks, and trailers with items and haul them to Savers® over the course of two weekends. At the end of their FUNDrive®, Notre Dame Academy earned $1,285 to go to their bottom line.

When Paula heard about the referral bonus program after their FUNDrive®, she knew this was a simple way to keep that fundraising momentum going. She quickly shared her referral code with her contacts and was thrilled when she learned that a simple email had generated $150 for Notre Dame Academy, with more on the way in, making fundraising between events, and with minimal effort, a possibility.

Ready to follow Notre Dame Academy’s lead and earn funds for your nonprofitt? Get started on your FUNDrive® today.