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High School Booster Club Fundraises for School Sports with FUNDrive®

Written by: FUNDrive Team, August 26, 2022

High School Booster Club Fundraises for School Sports with FUNDrive®

Rodriguez Athletic Booster is an umbrella nonprofit organization that helps fundraise for some 20 sports teams at Rodriguez High School in Fairfield, CA. FUNDrive® offers them a new way to earn funds without asking for money but by collecting clothing and household items from their community instead. They work closely with the PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization), and REU (the Rodriguez Entertainment Unit) in addition to coaches, parents, students, real estate offices, and more to provide travel, equipment, the latest technology, training, and concessions. They even raise money to give away scholarships, most recently nine $500 ones to talented and driven students.

Olga Fisher, Rodriguez Athletic Booster (RAB) president says, “It’s a no brainer, ask a team to help and it’s loaded and done.” She goes on to add, “from local realtors asking their offices for stuff they don’t need any more like clothing and household items to putting up flyers to our baseball players and cross-country team members filling up a U-Haul with bags of donations in just 15 minutes, it’s amazing what we can do when we just ask for help.” “Cheer,” Olga adds, “has been another group that collected some 500 bags alone on their first day.” The cheer team incorporated home pickups into their FUNDrive®to add to the convenience for donors.

When storage has been a challenge until everything can be dropped off Olga has worked with the principal and athletic director to come up with ideas. One solution was to use the concession stand which wasn’t being used at the time. “With most of the kids driving now it’s easy to then load stuff up and coordinate a drop-off time.”

“I only have positive things to say about FUNDrive®,” Olga states. “When the kids, parents, and community members get involved it really helps. Randi has also been great to work with (the FUNDrive® coordinator) and the Referral Bonus program is super easy. I just click the button, send it out, and see what happens. What that can mean for your nonprofit org is another $50! We’re always busy, there’s always stuff the kids need. I’m just happy we can all help.”