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Get ready for fall fundraising now

Written by: FUNDrive Team, May 18, 2022

Get ready for fall fundraising now

With school wrapping up and long, summer days ahead, get your fall fundraiser planning out of the way now, so you can enjoy the sunshine-filled days to come.

Three tips to reach your fall fundraising goals:

Identify transitions in fundraising leadership.

Is your PTA president’s kid moving on to a different school or the head of the budget committee retiring? Identifying who is managing the fundraising communication for your school and updating the contact information in the FUNDrive® portal is a crucial way to stay connected and up-to-date on fundraising opportunities, such as our referral bonus program that allows your school nonprofit to earn funds between fundraising events. ($50 for every new nonprofit that completes a FUNDrive®, BTW.)

Plan out next year’s fundraising calendar now.

When developing a fundraising calendar, balance is key. A healthy mix of different fundraisers throughout the year helps increase participation and decrease fundraising fatigue.

Start a FUNDrive®.

It’s never too early to start planning your fall FUNDrive®. Spreading the word throughout the school community that you will be collecting gently used clothing and household items at the beginning of the school year gives them all summer to start a donation bin with that pair of shorts that are too small, the lemonade pitcher they never got around to using, or those chairs collecting dust in the garage. Book your FUNDRIVE® now to ensure you get your preferred fall date.